Patient Resources

For choosing us. We're glad to have you as a patient.

Thank you.

When you arrive for your first visit, please be prepared to complete all insurance and health insurance forms that will allow us to begin your dental treatment. We will ask you to fill out several forms that will get you acquainted with our office.

For your convenience, our patient forms are available to be sent directly to you. 

Your first visit at our office will take approximately 1.5 hours. We will begin by collecting necessary background information including your oral health history, medical history, and personal needs. This will help us get acquainted with each other and learn about your dental goals and desires for your treatment. We will then provide a comprehensive exam which includes an occlusal exam, periodontal exam, visual, oral cancer screening, patient education, and blood pressure and pulse recordings, as well as full mouth photos and any necessary x-rays.

If your first visit is for a dental emergency, only the tooth, or teeth, in question will be addressed. Depending on the diagnosis, an additional appointment with adequate time may be necessary.

We believe that good dental care begins with open communication. We promise to discuss with you any symptoms present that may require further dental treatment, our diagnosis, alternative treatments that may exist, and our recommendations. Working together, we can achieve a true partnership, with one common goal, keeping your smile beautiful and your teeth, gums and jaw joints healthy!

Consent Preferences